Friday, 23 September 2016

Labuan Offshore Financial Services Authority (LOFSA)

In 2001 I had the opportunity to present system aspect of Islamic Banking to a crowd in Labuan Offshore Financial Centre organized by LOFSA. It was a good experience although I was still quite new in the industry back then. If I were to present now, I can give much better presentation.

In any case, the presentation was well received by the audience that LOFSA sent me an encouraging thank you letter.

Thursday, 15 September 2016

Banking and Digital Economy Summit 2016, Vienna, Austria

Banking and Digital Economy Summit (BDES) is Silverlake annual event. Previously it was called Banking and Technology Summit (BTS). Since 2012, the event has been renamed to BDES following the digital economy revolution.
This year BDES was held at Imperial Riding School Vienna Hotel, Vienna Austria. The theme of this year is Digital Reimagined - From Finance to Fintech.
As usual, Silverlake BDES events are organized for Silverlake customers and business partners. Silverlake will line up interesting presentations to update the audience on the latest happenings in the company as well as what is happening in the market.
The agenda for this year BDES is as shown in the following image:

Quite a number of top personnel from Islamic banks that are using Silverlake system attend this year BDES including Dato' Redza from Bank Muamalat Malaysia and Encik Kamarul Arrifin from Affin Islamic Bank Malaysia.

With some of my colleagues



Thursday, 1 September 2016

Islamic Market Programme 2016 - Fintech Storm: Disruptions and Opportunities

A snapshot of IMP 2016 Agenda
Islamic Market Programme is a yearly event organized by Securities Industry Development Corporation (SIDC), a learning and development arm of the Securities Commission Malaysia. The theme of this year programme is "Enhancing Sustainbility of Global Businesses: Role of the Islamic Capital Market".
I was given a slot in this 3 day programs. I was invited to talk about Fintech disruptions and opportunities in Islamic Capital Market. I started with introduction of what fintech and is and continued with evolution and revolution of fintech for the past 6 decades. Subsequently, I focused on the following 3 main items:
1. Global Fintech Investment in Capital Markets
2. Fintech Innovations in the Capital Market Space
3. Fintech Influence in Islamic Capital Market (ICM) Development and the Challenges

Addressing IMP 2016 Participants
My key message to the participants was that Fintech brought numerous opportunities but a disruption to the business as usual models.

Engrossed in delivering my messages
KPMG Frontiers in finance had nicely put it, "a perfect storm of conditions is brewing that makes financial technology (fintech) the right solution for the right conditions at the right time. And the time is now".
Group photo with other speakers, participants and the organizer

 I also took the opportunity to sit through the whole 3 day programme and gained a lot of insights from other speakers.